What to See and Do in Jerusalem

Introduction: Jerusalem is an amazing city to visit and explore. Whether you’re looking for the ancient sites like the Temple Mount or the new attractions like the Star of David, Jerusalem is a must-see destination. You can also take advantage of all the tourist traps that Jerusalem has to offer. Here are a few tips on what to see and do in Jerusalem if you’re looking for a fun break from your everyday life:

What is Jerusalem.

Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel since its establishment in 1948. The city is home to a rich and diverse history, including Prophet Mohammad's mosque and the ruins of the Second Temple, which was destroyed in AD 70 by Rome.

What is the City's Economy.

Jerusalem is one of the most important economic hubs in Israel and plays an important role in the country's overall economy. The city is home to a number of leading businesses and industries, as well as major financial institutions. Jerusalem also has a high concentration of government and professional offices, making it an excellent place to do business.


What is the City's Culture.

The city features some beautiful buildings and architecture, as well as a lively nightlife that attracts tourists from all over the world. Jerusalem also has a rich cultural heritage that reflects its centuries-long relationship with Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions.

What to see and do in Jerusalem.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to see and do in Jerusalem, try a tour of the city by bus. Jerusalem daily Tours run from Monday to Saturday throughout the city, and cost about $8 per person. You can also take a guided walk through the Old City if you’d like; this section of the city is open only to civilians and does not have any attractions that would interest tourists.

Visit the Old City.

The Old City is one of Palestine's most important historical sites, and it makes an excellent destination for a stroll or drive. The walls that surrounded Jerusalem during the Middle Ages are still visible today, as are some of Jerusalem's oldest buildings including the Star of David and Herod's temple. If you're looking for something more action-packed, head over to one of the nearby villages where you can explore its traditional architecture or take a hike up Mount Zion National Park—both options are free too.

Take a Drive in Palestine's Only Subway.

If you want to experience Jerusalem live, take a ride on Palestine's only subway: the Jerusalem – Bethlehem Line runs between Jerusalem and Bethlehem every 30 minutes from Monday to Saturday morning (and every two hours during peak hours). The journey takes about 20 minutes from downtown Jerusalem, so it’s perfect for quick visits around town or longer travel within the city limits. Plus, since it’s operated by Palestinian Railways, it offers an interesting perspective on Israel-Palestine politics and history not found elsewhere in the cityscape.

Tips for Planning a Visit to Jerusalem.

If you’re planning to visit Jerusalem, it’s best to book a hotel in the city center. This will give you plenty of opportunity to explore the city and its neighborhoods. If you have time, consider also taking a day trip to see the Jerusalem sights. You can do this by taking a bus or train from your hometown or by driving.

Plan a day trip to Jerusalem.

Your daytrip should take in at least one of the following areas: Old City, Wall Street, Girdle town, Mount Zion Park, or Mount Scopus. If you want to see more than one area, break your trip into multiple days and spend each day in one of the areas listed above. And if you’re looking for an easy way to save money on your travel costs, try budgeting for a day trip instead of booking a hotel in advance!

Explore Jerusalem's neighborhoods.

When exploring Jerusalem's neighborhoods, be sure to wander around and take in all the sights and sounds that medieval Jerusalem has to offer. Check out Redevelopment Authority-sponsored walking tours that can take you through neighbourhoods likeeteria (old city), Midrash ( wall street), Gezer (Girdle town), Hebron Hills (Mount Zion Park), and Sheikh Jarrah (Mount Scopus). Be sure to ask these tour guides about their favorite places to eat or drink in each neighbourhood – they'll likely have some great recommendations!


If you're looking for a unique and exciting experience in Jerusalem, than book a hotel! You'll be able to enjoy all that the city has to offer without spending too much money. Additionally, if you want to explore Jerusalem's neighborhoods, please check out our blog post on how to do it correctly. In the end, make sure to plan an amazing day trip to Jerusalem – it will be worth your time and money!